02A 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit the southern region of Mexico in North America on July 29 local time.

In order to enable LINE users to check on the safety of their relatives and loved ones in Mexico and aid in disaster relief efforts, we are making all calls made to landlines and mobile phones in Mexico through our service LINE Premium Call free of charge till August 3. Users in countries where the service is offered will not have to worry about telephone fees or charges.
Calls between LINE users will remain free of charge.

The details of free calls through LINE Premium Call are written below. 

Countries Where LINE Premium Call is Available
Japan, Thai, Philippines, Spain, USA, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Argentina , Malaysia , Australia, Chil, UK , Netherlands, New Zealand, Ireland, Greece, Turkey

From July 31 till 11: 59 pm on August 3 (GMT-7)

From LINE, tap More and then LINE Premium Call. Calls made to landlines or mobile phones during the above period will be free of charge.

Please Note
The amount of time allotted per free call is between 15 and 20 minutes. The call will end automatically after that time period is exceeded. This measure is to prevent abuse of the system, and we ask in advance for your understanding. Calls to unaffected countries will be charged as normal. Free calls are limited only to people residing in Mexico. Mexican citizens living in other countries cannot be called for free.

What is LINE Premium Call?
LINE Premium Call is a service that lets users call landlines and mobile phones even if they aren’t registered on LINE.
Website: http://line.me/call

LINE was born in the aftermath of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan on March 11, 2011. We will continue to endeavor to provide services and promotions that will help connect you with your loved ones no matter when.